Contact Information:
To contact me, please send an email to the address below.
No promises, but I’m fairly responsive.
Please reach out if you would like to purchase or commission
an original oil painting. I’m happy to work with you.
- naomi at
- Note: use @ instead of "at" when emailing. I am just trying to outsmart the bots.
Other Platforms where you can find my work:
Artwork Archive is where I maintain an inventory of all of my work available for purchase.
Fine Art America is a “Print On Demand” website. I have 25 of my images uploaded and you can order prints, phone cases, shower curtains, and other items with my artwork on them shipped directly to you.
Cara: @tirysalgado
Cara is a brand new social media platform that respects an artist’s intellectual property rights and doesn’t allow Artificial Intelligence to steal an artist’s ideas. Please join and support the cause!